My name is Joyes (pronounced Joyce). I’m a licensed clinical social worker, mother of two, wife, Christian, and Indian American. I worked in healthcare for 15 years and last summer I relocated from my home state of NY and traveled way south to Texas. Working through the pandemic made me reevaluate my life and figure out what I need to prioritize. I realized that I worked a very stressful job, which I loved, but that it took a toll on myself and my family life. I wanted to be more present for myself and my well-being and also for my family. So, I told my husband that I’m finally caving in and agreeing to move to his home state of Texas. While returning to work as a social worker is still a part of my future plans, I decided to take some time off to help my children assimilate to the new state and take some time for myself after 15 years of caring for countless others and their psychiatric care. So, while I’m here taking a mini break, I thought I would share some of my experiences and insights with others on the balancing life as a working mom. Stay tuned to posts on self-care, reviews on mom and kid friendly products and services, and words of encouragement. Stay blessed!